Filtering by: Business Perspective
9:00 AM09:00

How to Maintain Control when using Dynamic Pricing Software

Speaker(s): Sean Kelly, Founder, VATIC

Managing dynamic pricing on your own takes time, a lot of it. Time away from other tasks that you could be doing. Automated dynamic pricing sounds ideal, where all of the ease is maintained, but crucially, you also have the final say on pricing decisions.

Join us as VATIC founder, Sean Kelly, unveils Vatic Control and walks you through its features. You’ll also get a test run through the user interface that provides critical analysis of how your sales are doing while at the same time providing you with much needed oversight.

This session has been sponsored and developed by VATIC.

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9:00 AM09:00

Fundraising Fundamentals to Secure Your Orchestra’s Financial Future

Speaker(s): Catherine Heitz New, CEO, RSC Associates

With relief funds depleted, expenses climbing, and earned revenue plateauing, many orchestras are experiencing true financial pain. While campaigns and transformational gifts may offer long-term promise, they require time to develop – and orchestras need immediate and stable revenue streams to sustain their missions today.

Your solution is within reach. RSC Associates has developed the best practices that drive consistent, year-over-year fundraising growth for orchestras of all sizes. Whether you have a full development team or just one person juggling it all, these strategies deliver results.

This session will equip staff and Board members with proven, scalable strategies for building a resilient Annual Fund program, strengthening donor engagement, and creating a reliable revenue stream to help your orchestra thrive.

This session has been sponsored and developed by RSC Associates.

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9:00 AM09:00

The Art of Orchestral Storytelling and its Impact Through Video

Speaker(s): Maarten Walraven, Co-CEO,

Videos tell a story—what’s yours? This panel brings together video producers, marketers and artistic administrators to explore how orchestras can leverage video storytelling to enhance their artistic narrative and community presence. While high-quality concert recordings remain valuable, there is untapped potential in creating focused, narrative-driven video content that captures the essence of an orchestra's mission, artists, and impact. Through case studies and practical discussion, panelists will demonstrate how strategic video content can strengthen an orchestra's brand and deepen audience engagement—often at a fraction of the cost of traditional concert recordings.

This session has been sponsored and developed by

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11:00 AM11:00

Engaging Future Audiences in a Digital World

Moderator: John Kieser, Co-Founder JDJK Consulting

Speaker(s): Wolfgang Graf, Co-Founder & CEO, Easy Connect; and Alan Brown, Managing Principal, Wolf Brown

Current and future audiences are evolving and may not be the dedicated subscribers of days past. Today, people cherry-pick amongst cultural and entertainment offerings as well as leisure time activities. Concurrently, over the last years, the online landscape has changed dramatically. Mobile is now the dominant platform, and people of all ages increasingly use NextGen apps to organize their lives and engage with their friends, families, and colleagues.

Orchestras must connect with these people where they digitally live to bring them into our venues, but how? This interactive session will reveal successful initiatives and best practices from performing arts organizations and orchestras across Europe and the US that have met this challenge. And it will give examples on how organizations can collaborate to engage with the next generation of arts lovers, by using nextgen apps with integrated ticketing, social and community features, direct and personalized communication options and much more. But we also want to hear from you! Come prepared to talk about your challenges and victories.

This session has been sponsored and developed by Easy Connect.

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8:30 AM08:30

Audit Your Revenue Streams

Speaker(s): Bethany Nothstein, Sector Strategy and Community Manager, US & Canada, Spektrix

Are you making the most of every revenue opportunity? Audit your existing income generation activity and explore ideas for boosting the bottom line, in a participatory session designed to help you identify and access untapped returns. Considering ticket income, donations, memberships and more, you’ll walk away with an actionable audit of your current activity and a bank of ideas for ongoing growth.

This session has been sponsored and developed by Spektrix.

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