Sponsors and Funders
The League is grateful to its supporters for making this Conference possible.
Platinum Sponsors • Gold Sponsors • Silver Sponsors • Bronze Sponsors • Supporting Sponsors • Program Funders
Platinum Sponsor
Bennett Direct
Platinum Sponsor
t 414 225 0600
The Development Constituency Meetings for Conference have been generously sponsored by Bennett Direct. Bennett Direct is also the official badge sponsor of the League of American Orchestras.
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
American Piano Awards
Silver Sponsor
t 917 805 5276
American Piano Awards has generously sponsored the Thursday Networking Break and Conductors Constituency Meetings.
boomerang carnets | CIB
Silver Sponsor
t 847 852 3104
Boomerang Carnets is a generous sponsor of the League's National Conference.
Silver Sponsor
t 800 356 6568
Feathr is a generous sponsor of the League's National Conference and will also be a presenting company in the Technology Fair.
Made Media
Silver Sponsor
t 888 927 6563
Made Media is a generous sponsor of the League's National Conference and will participate in the Tech Fair.
RSC Associates
Silver Sponsor
t 317 300 4443
RSC Associates has generously sponsored the League's National Conference and will be presenting a Business Perspective session on Thursday, June 12.
The Cliburn
Silver Sponsor
t 817 738 6536
The Cliburn Agency is a generous sponsor of the League's National Conference.
Threshold Acoustics
Silver Sponsor
t 312 386 1400
Threshold Acoustics has generously sponsored the Closing Luncheon.
Silver Sponsor
t 469 688 0162
VATIC has generously sponsored the Marketing (Group 1-2) Meetings at Conference and will offer a Business Perspective session on Thursday, June 12.
Young Concert Artists
Silver Sponsor
t 212 307 6670
Young Concert Artists has generously sponsored the League's National Conference.
Bronze Sponsors
Akustiks, LLC
Bronze Sponsor
t 203 299 1904
Akustiks has generously co-sponsored the Opening Session.
Capacity Interactive
Bronze Sponsor
t 516 302 6568
Capacity Interactive is a generous sponsor of the League's National Conference.
Cast & Crew
Bronze Sponsor
The Finance Constituency Meetings for Conference have been generously sponsored by Cast & Crew.
Colbert Artists
Bronze Sponsor
t 212 757 0782
The League Alumni Reception has been generously sponsored by Colbert Artists Management.
Easy Connect
Bronze Sponsor
Easy Connect has generously sponsored the League's National Conference and will offer a Business Perspective session on Thursday, June 12.
Encore Tours
Bronze Sponsor
t 877 460 3801
Encore Tours has generously sponsored the League's National Conference.
Fisher Dachs Associates
Bronze Sponsor
t 212 691 3020
League Conference Tote Bags have been generously sponsored by Fisher Dachs Associates.
HGA architects
Bronze Sponsor
t 612 758 4333
HGA Architects has generously co-sponsored the Opening Session.
Instant Encore
Bronze Sponsor
Instant Encore is a generous sponsor of the League's National Conference and will also be a presenting company in the Tech Fair.
Bronze Sponsor
t 314 476 6585
The General Managers and Operations Constituency Meetings for Conference have been generously sponsored by Kirkegaard.
Bronze Sponsor
Muvac is a generous sponsor of the League's National Conference and will also be a presenting company in the Tech Fair.
Nave Strategies
Bronze Sponsor
t 260 416 2050
Nave Strategies has generously sponsored the League's National Conference and will be presenting a Business Perspective session on Thursday, June 12.
Notation AI
Bronze Sponsor
Notation AI is a generous sponsor of the League's National Conference.
Schuler Shook
Bronze Sponsor
The Opening Session has been generously co-sponsored by Schuler Shook.
Bronze Sponsor
t +31 65 0828245
Symphony.Live has generously sponsored the League's National Conference and will be presenting a Business Perspective session on Thursday, June 12.
Bronze Sponsor
t 281 245 0345
YPTC has generously sponsored the League's National Conference and will offer a Business Perspective session on Thursday, June 12.
Supporting Sponsors
Bronze Sponsor
CueBox Software is a generous sponsor of the League's National Conference and will also be a presenting company at the Tech Fair.
David M Schwarz Architects
Supporting Sponsor
t 202 862 0777
David M. Schwarz Architects has generously sponsored the LGBTQIA+ Reception.
Digonex Dynamic Pricing
Supporting Sponsor
Digonex Dynamic Pricing is a generous sponsor of the League's National Conference.
IMG Artists
Supporting Sponsor
t 212 994 3518
IMG Artists is a generous sponsor of the League's National Conference.
Program Funders
The Aaron Copland Fund for Music
The Aaron Copland Fund for Music is a generous sponsor of the League’s composers constituency sessions, the Exploring Underrepresented Composers session, and the ROCO Performance Elective: Women Composers in Concert session.
Hood-Barrow Foundation
The Hood-Barrow Foundation is a generous sponsor of the student constituency sessions, the Speaking to Gen Z to Get Them Excited About Your Events session, and the Creative Partnerships to Maximize Youth Learning and Development session.
Howard Gilman Foundation
The Howard Gilman Foundation is a generous sponsor of the League's National Conference.
Mellon Foundation
The Mellon Foundation is a generous sponsor of the Understanding and Addressing Sexual Misconduct in the Orchestral Community session.
National Endowment for the Arts
The National Endowment for the Arts is a generous funder of the League’s National Conference and Pre-Conference Seminars.
Sakana Foundation
The Sakana Foundation is a generous funder of Inclusive Stages, the From Vision to Action: Working Collectively Towards Inclusive Stages Pre-Conference Seminar, and the Inspiring Change and Collective Impact through Inclusive Stages session.
Texas Commission on the Arts
Texas Commission on the Arts is a generous sponsor of the League's National Conference.
Virginia B. Toulmin Foundation
The Virginia B. Toulmin Foundation is a generous sponsor of the League’s composers constituency sessions.
The Wallace Foundation
The Wallace Foundation is a generous sponsor of From Vision to Action: Working Collectively Towards Inclusive Stages session and the CPR for Growing Audience (Care, Programming, Reinvention session.
Banner: Downtown Salt Lake City at night. Credit: Adam Barker Photography.