Register as an Exhibitor
Should you have any questions regarding exhibiting at the League’s Conference that we haven’t answered below, please contact Steve Alter at
Why Sponsor or Exhibit?
The League of American Orchestras 80th National Conference is a marketing medium that offers the most cost-effective way to reach potential customers and partners through exhibiting, sponsorships, and networking. You’ll connect with more qualified decision-makers in three days than you could all year. It is an opportunity to have immediate interaction with your existing customers and establish and deepen those relationships. The League’s National Conference also gives you an opportunity to interact with potential new business.
From visibility to credibility, sponsoring and/or exhibiting at the League’s National Conference has many benefits for your business. Establishing a presence, whether big or small, for your company at the Conference gives you a powerful platform for meeting new customers, reaching out to your existing clientele, and building a more established and reliable brand.
If you see your competitor’s name, maybe you should be here as well. View past exhibitors and sponsors.
How Can I Maximize My Exhibitor Experience?
You can increase your exposure by incorporating an "Add-on" to your registration package. There are several different sponsorship opportunities for exhibitors, that offer different advertising packages including advertising and sponsorships.
Register early. With Early Bird registration, your contact details and company description will appear in the printed program book and on the website.
Sponsor a breakout event or general session at the Conference.
Advertise on, in Symphony magazine’s annual Conference issue , take an ad in the program book, or a banner ad in the Conference App.
Add your booth number to your ad to increase traffic.
Post a notice of your attendance on your own website.
Send a notice to your current client base about your participation at the show.
Send a personal invitation to your customers and prospects to visit you at the conference.
Reach out to the conference attendance list to make appointments ahead of time.
Be present at your booth during prime exhibit hours.
At Conference, step away from your booth during periods of slow traffic and attend more than 35 different events and professional development opportunities throughout the week.
Once you get your booth assignment, do a pre-show mailer or email to your customers providing them with your booth number.
Consider having food or another attractive giveaway at your booth to encourage traffic.
Attend the concerts, the parties, and networking breaks, and hang out after hours at the bar.
How Can I Maximize My Sponsorship Experience?
Register early. The earlier you confirm your sponsorship, the more exposure you will receive on the conference website.
Once you get your booth assignment, do a pre-show mailer or email to your customers providing them with your booth number.
Extend the life of Conference by following up with attendees through email to set up further discussion. For example, "It was great meeting you at the League’s Conference. I will be calling you on..."
Each sponsorship package includes many opportunities to maximize your exposure.
See the Sponsorship Packages section to determine which sponsorship is right for you.
Pricing for Tabletops and Full Booths
Tabletop Booth: $925
Includes one registration and one 6-foot draped table with a chair and an identification sign. No floor standing displays for this booth type.
Standard Booth: $1,430
Each 8′ x 10′ booth includes one registration and will be set with 8′ high blue and white back drape, 3′ high blue side dividers, one 8′ white skirted table, three side chairs, one wastebasket, and one 7″ x 44″ one-line identification sign.
Tech Fair with Presentation: $2,465—SOLD OUT
Attend and exhibit at the League Conference + participate as a presenter in the Tech Fair. Includes:
A 20-minute presentation session in a conference room (Room comes equipped with a hard-wired internet connection, projector/screen, and basic sound system).
Early set-up of your exhibit booth in the Exhibit Hall with designated early hours especially for those vendors participating in the Tech Fair.
One full conference registration.
8' x 10' booth with an 8’ high back wall, two 3’ high side walls, an eight-foot table, and three chairs.
Description of your company’s presentation, company logo, speaker name, and contact information included in a special Tech Fair program handed out to all attendees.
Exhibit listing on the Conference website, as well as the program handed out to all delegates of the Conference upon arrival.
Breakfast to be provided for vendors and attendees.
Tech Fair Booth Only: $1,645
Attend and exhibit at the League Conference + participate as an exhibitor at the Tech Fair. (Presentation not included.)
Early set-up of your exhibit booth in the Exhibit Hall with designated early hours especially for those vendors participating in the Tech Fair.
One full conference registration.
8' x 10' booth with an 8’ high back wall, two 3’ high side walls, an eight-foot table, and three chairs
Description of your company’s presentation, company logo, speaker name, and contact information included in a special Tech Fair program handed out to all attendees.
Exhibit listing on the Conference website, as well as the program handed out to all delegates of the Conference upon arrival.
Breakfast to be provided for vendors and attendees.
Additional delegates from each exhibitor: $795 Early Bird | $895 Regular
Groups of three or more delegates attending from a single organization are eligible for a discounted rate of $720 per person. Please contact the Membership team at 646 822 4010 for more information.
NEW THIS YEAR—Lead Generation App Add-On at the League Conference: $99
Lead Generation software is utilized by sales representatives to collect the contact information of potential leads while they attend trade shows and events. Lead retrieval products allow you to automate the recording of information about potential leads by scanning badges (via cell phone or other device), removing the hassle of collecting and importing data from countless business cards. The $99 cost is per organization, not per individual registrant.
Exhibitor/Decorator Kit
Registered exhibitors should be contacted by the League’s official decorator about their service kit for exhibitors. Ordering additional services for your booth (such as electricity, wired internet service, extra furniture, audio visual purchases, etc) must be done through the decorator. While limited wifi may be available in the exhibit areas, bandwidth will be an issue for those doing anything other than checking email and using the Conference app. If you require your own bandwidth, you will need to order it directly through the form in the decorator kit.
You can also find a link to the decorating kit here as soon as it becomes available.
Exhibit Area Map
Exhibit Hours
Exhibitor Move In: Tuesday, June 10, 2pm-6pm and Wednesday, June 11, 7am-10:30am
Show Hours:
Wednesday, June 11, 8am-5pm: Exhibit Hours for Tech Fair Participants Only
Wednesday, June 11, 11am-5pm: Exhibit hours for all Exhibitors
Thursday, June 12, 8am-5pm
Friday, June 13, 7:30am-12:00pm
Exhibitor Move Out: Friday, June 13, 12:00pm-3:00pm
Advertising Opportunities
Exhibit Listing: Complimentary with Booth Purchase
Exhibitors registering before April 26, 2025 will receive a 30-word description of their company in the Exhibitor Listing, listed by category of business.
Place an ad in Symphony magazine’s Conference 2025 Issue—Reservation Deadline of April 15, 2025. Artwork Deadline of May 1, 2025.
Symphony magazine’s annual Conference Issue is handed out to all delegates upon their arrival to Conference. Place an ad within the pages of this award-winning magazine for as little as $540. View pricing and ad specs. Contact Steve Alter at to reserve your ad.
Place an Ad in the Conference Program Guide
Full Page Color Ad: $1000 (Limited to inside front cover, inside back cover, and back cover only; based upon availability)
Specifications: 5" x 7.5", 4-color, jpeg, gif, or pdf
Full Page Black and White Ad: $600 ($300 for organizations that purchase an ad in the Conference issue of Symphony)
Specifications: 5" x 7.5", black and white, jpeg, gif, or pdf
½ Page Black and White Ad: $350 ($175 for organizations that purchase an ad in the Conference issue of Symphony)
Specifications: 5" x 3.75", black and white, jpeg, gif, or pdf
Conference App Ad: $300
Place your banner ad in the Conference App. Available for free to all delegates, the Conference App offers advertisers prime visibility with banner ads as delegates navigate Conference sessions.
Goodie Bag Insert: $800
Place a small promotional item in the swag bags handed out to all delegates upon their arrival at Conference.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Make a big impression by sponsoring an event or meeting at the Conference. Full sponsorships usually include a booth and a registration in addition to many other branding opportunities at the Conference.
Some of the available benefits may include:
Conference registrations
One 8 x 10 exhibit booth or one tabletop
Invitations to the League’s annual Donor Dinner at Conference
One year of standard business membership with the League
Discounts on any ad placed on in calendar year 2025
Inclusion of an item in all delegate welcome bags
Opportunities to say hello at the start of a meeting
Discounts on an advertisement in the Conference program book
Photo Station Sponsorship
Sponsorship of a Charging Station
Sponsorship of the Conference App
Sponsorship of the League’s WIFI at Conference
Sponsorship of Swag Gifts
General Session Sponsorships
Elective Session Sponsorships
And many more...
We can create the perfect sponsorship package for you! Contact Steve Alter at or 646 822 4051 to start the conversation.
Terms & Conditions
All businesses must agree to these terms and conditions in order to exhibit at the League Conference. You will be asked to confirm agreement on the Exhibitor Registration Form.