Filtering by: Critical Conversation
1:45 PM13:45

Building the Case for Strategic Inclusion

Facilitator(s): Michael Albaugh, Executive Director, Cape Symphony; Harold Brown, The Honorable Nathaniel R. Jones Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra; and Jejuana C. Brown, Director, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Community Relations, The Cleveland Orchestra

To truly integrate orchestras into their communities, efforts in diversity, equity, and inclusion must go beyond surface-level perceptions and become a foundational part of organizational strategy. Through real-world examples and discussion, this session will assist you in articulating your organization's "why", identifying barriers, and developing strategies for sustainable organizational change.

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1:45 PM13:45

Working in Harmony: A Common Vision for Artist Managers and Artistic Planners

Facilitator(s): Lydia Connolly, Independent Consultant and Mentor; Former Senior Director and Head of Artist Management, HarrisonParrott; and Raff Wilson, Vice President, Artistic Planning, Seattle Symphony

Artist managers and artistic administrators face stress on many fronts: limited resources, the marginalization of classical music in schools and society, and constantly changing audience preferences. Crafting a concert season feels like trying to spin plates in the middle of a circus ring.

They also share goal of ensuring orchestral music thrives as a transformative force, reaching all of society. The best music-making depends on creative partnership—and those behind the scenes must be partners too. A mutual understanding of challenges and opportunities is essential for a sustainable, healthy orchestra industry. Flexibility, mutual respect, pragmatism, and teamwork are more important than ever.

In this session, artist managers and those involved in artistic planning will reflect together on the challenges they face, their shared commitments and goals, and their hopes for the future.

This session has been generously sponsored by Opus 3 Artists.

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1:45 PM13:45

Organizational Success Through Musician Engagement

Facilitator(s): Evin Blomberg, Musician, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra

When given the opportunity, musicians can become ambassadors who drive an organization forward and serve as powerful assets for philanthropy, advocacy, education, learning departments, and more. These opportunities not only strengthen their bond with the organization but also empower them creatively and energize them in ways that their traditional roles as orchestral musicians often do not. This empowerment leads to greater satisfaction among musician employees, fosters stronger musician-management relationships, and enables them to connect more meaningfully with the community they serve, ultimately helping the organization thrive.

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1:45 PM13:45

Centering Youth to Enhance Your Orchestra's Mission and Success

Facilitator(s): TBD

This critical conversation will explore orchestra identity, mission, belonging and values as experienced or influenced by youth. Panelists will present bold projects undertaken by organizations and all attendees will join roundtable discussions to share their unique perspective, insight, successes and challenges. Join us as we explore our roles as catalysts for a thriving future for orchestras and our communities that celebrates the upcoming generation’s creativity, artistry, and inclusion.

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1:45 PM13:45

From the Ground Up—Reimagining and Redefining the Perfect Volunteer Group

Facilitator(s): J. Andrew Bradford, President & CEO, Santa Rosa Symphony; Michelle Miller Burns, President & CEO, Dallas Symphony Orchestra; Marena Gault, Member, Dallas Symphony Orchestra League and League Volunteer Council; Roger Gault, Board Chairman, Dallas Symphony Orchestra; and Terry D. Loftis, President & CEO, New Jersey Symphony

As volunteering has evolved over the years its value has been stretched, renewed, and redefined. There is a deeper need for collaboration, connection, clear communication, and relevant, achievable goals. Hear results from a League orchestra volunteer survey and learn how orchestras are investing in their volunteer groups. Discover how to set strategies, explore the opportunities, and feel empowered and encouraged to create or redefine a volunteer program that fosters greater impact and service to your orchestra.

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