Speaker(s): Steve Collins, President and CEO, Hartford Symphony; Shayne Doty, Vice President of Development, Charlotte Symphony Orchestra; David Fisk, President & CEO, Charlotte Symphony Orchestra; Dr. Mieko Hatano, Chief Executive Officer, Oakland Symphony; Daniel Kohn;, Director of Audience Engagement, Orchestra Lumos; Sarah Lempke O'Hare, Director of Strategic Partnerships, Louisville Orchestra; Graham Parker, Chief Executive, Louisville Orchestra; and Roger Sametz, President and Chief Executive Officer, Sametz Blackstone Associates
All orchestras are challenged to raise awareness of orchestral music, expand their reach, attract new audiences, and diversify the revenue streams that make the music possible. Regardless of your orchestra’s staff and budget size, learn how your orchestra can communicate and measure its relevance and address real time community needs and priorities. This session will extract key strategies from recent successful case studies on how to create a convincing and authentic narrative that generates new support and engagement.