Location: Maurice Abravanel Hall
Concert tickets can be added on to your Conference registration until May 16, 2025. After that date, please purchase directly from the Utah Symphony.
Hear the Utah Symphony led by Music Director Emeritus Thierry Fischer on Thursday, June 12 at Maurice Abravanel Hall, one of the nation’s premiere concert venues. Violinist Clara-Jumi Kang will make her Utah Symphony debut with the Korngold Violin Concerto on a program bookended by Mexican composers past and present. Revueltas’ Noche de encantamiento warns of the dangers of cultural clashes, while Gabriela Ortiz’s Téenek leaves us with the message that a hopeful future lies in recognizing each other’s respective identities and differences—and weaving them together creates something stronger than the sum of the parts.
The Conference Tune-Up Party will follow.